I haven't posted anything for awhile. We have been busy. I know, I know who hasn't.
This past month all the kids have been sick. Unfortunately it transferred to Hudson, he ended up having RSV, which is a Respitory Virus. For older kids it is a bad cold, however for a 4 week old can be dangerous. So Hudson had to stay at the University Hospital for three days with oxygen up his nose. However he is a very strong boy, recovered just fine and is a big strong healthy boy!
Mickial's b-day is this month. I think we have been counting down for almost two months now, yes actually since Christmas! I am a brave woman, as I am going to have 5 boys stay overnight at my house with a tent pitched in my living room for them to sleep in. I think the boys will have a blast, hopefully some sleep as well! This will be his first sleep over. Dad can be on patrol that night!
Seth is enjoying JR. Kindergarden, and I think he is quite smitten with his teacher.
He has a vivid imagination and is into character a lot. Mickial is his super hero. However I do hope that someday he will realize that no, Mickial is NOT the boss around here, but his mom and dad are!
Talen is a joy! I think he is adjusting quite well to the new baby. You be the judge by him sitting in the baby's swing. He only goes in the swing, or the cradle when Hudson is either crying, or nursing. Smart kid! He knows I can't chase him. Then he chants "mommy, mommy!" He is in his "big boy bed", which used to be MIckial's. So he has found some new freedom. The pic that you see him in the rocking chair, well he fell asleep rocking himself. Very cute.
Hudson is getting big fast. I think that I'm noticing him growing faster because he is my last one. We just had his 6 week check up, and he is already 10 lbs and 11 ounces, and 22 inches long. I think he is built like seth long and lean. (Please note that his mom and dad were at one time, long and lean)
Derek missed his consultation for his "snip, snip". But no worries, we already have that rescheduled.
SO, yes all is well in the Belzile household. With my house now being disinfected, and somewhat germ-free we will get on with life as usual. Until round two comes!