Here is my story: My reasoning for sharing is simple: To bring hope and freedom to someone that may think that they "got dealt the wrong set of cards". To put it bluntly, yet simply; I'm nothing short of a miracle.
My mother found herself pregnant and alone at the age of 19 years old. It was however, her own choice to be alone, as my biological father would have gladly helped her in any way he could. She, along with my grandparents went to the doctor to discuss her "options". A- abortion, B- To have me. Well the doctor along with my grandparents were uring her to go with option A, so rebelliously she chose B. I along with my husband, and children thank her for chosing option A... having me. God says in his Word that "He knew us before he formed us in the womb"... "You are fearfully and wonderfully made". I don't believe that any human being is an "oops" or a mistake. God also does not make any junk, nor mistakes.
The first five years of my life, would be that of which no child should have. However during that time, I was a happy child. At the age of three I found myself knocking door to door in my underwear asking for food, as there was none at home. My mother would wash my hair in cold water repeatedly as our electricity had been cut off. We lived by candelite, which I thought at the time was fun,and cool but the reason is again we had no electricity. One day my mother decided that she would take off for a couple of days, leaving me to fend on my own. I was about 4 at the time. I asked her about 13 years ago why she would do this. Her defence was she had asked my 7 year old friend to ask his mom to look after me, and she assumed that all the arrangements were taken care of. So a person can see what kind of state her mind was in.
Well when she decided to come back social services and police had already been called. I remember a lot from my childhood, but that event I do not. I was taken in a police car screaming for my mother, and she too was screaming for me, all the while scratching the skin off the poor police officer's face.
I was placed in a foster home for a month. But thankfully I had an aunt that lived in BC and she temporarily had custody of me. I lived with her for six months. Her goal was to reconcile me with my mother. But my mother was not ready (nor has she yet) to take responsiblity and change her lifestyle. While I was living with my Aunt Carol the power went out one time in her house due to a thunder storm. I was 5 at the time, and while my other cousins were hiding under the table because of the darkness, I stormed up to her, putting my hands on my hips and declared "Auntie Carol did you pay your power bill this month?" We all get a good laugh now at that story.
Well enter in two of the most amazing people I know: My parents who raised me. Pat and Dennis. At the time I had called them Auntie Patty and Uncle Den. My mother and Pat are sisters. They have been part of my life since birth. If anyone has experienced adoption in one way or another, understands this statement: "Spirit is thicker than Blood". One story that my dad (uncle Den) tells, and he cannot tell this story without the tears streaming. Well I can't tell the story without my tears streaming: I was about three at the time, they were over visiting, and I had crawled up on his knee ,and lovingly I looked into this eyes and said "Uncle Den will you take me home and be my dad?"
They came from Alberta and were able to obtain permanant custody of me. Two years prior of me living with them they had a son. Unfortunately their son Shane passed away six hours after he was born. He had a condition called spina bifida.
So I started Grade one in Hinton, Alberta. My mother (Jane) hitchiked from Kamloops, BC to Hinton and kidnapped me from school. She then got me to stand on the side of the highway and stick out my thumb to hitchike. We hitched rides all the way to Kamloops. Pat and Den were desperately trying to find me, finally they found that we were hiding in this pretty "shady" motel. IT was another scene of me screaming for my mother and her screaming. But as soon as I got into their car I fell asleep all the way to Hinton. When I woke up I instantly called them "mom and dad". I will refer to Pat and Den as mom and dad now.
Jane tried another kidnap attempt, but failed. However she visited Pat at her work place, who was pregnant again, this time with my sister Lindsay. Jane then proceeded to punch Pat in her pregnant belly. God divinely protected Lindsay and Pat from any harm.
My sister Lindsay was born, then three years later my brother Shawn. I lived in Hinton until I was 18.
I met my husband Derek when I was 12 years old. My parents just started attending the Church that Derek and his family attended as well. Our first romantic encounter was this: We both were in the Christmas play; he Joseph, me Gabrielle the Angel. We were back stage and he along with his friends were poking fun at me. I had always been tall and lanky for my age. But when you are a 12 year old boy, teasing was another from of flirting. But I didn't feel the same way. I picked him up by the scruff of the neck pushed him against the stucco wall and told him "to go to hell".. I was a little rough around the edges, back then. His family moved away to the Crownest Pass to plant a Church shortly after that. He came for a visit when we were both 14. Well it's amazing what the difference is from 12 years to 14 years of age. We were both infatuated with each other.We were able to still see each other over the next few years. Back then, we didn't have cell phones, internet, or fax so we did the old fashion thing and wrote letters to each other. I still have all his letters. I knew at the age of 15 that I was going to marry this guy, however it wasn't until 10 years later that we actually said "I do" to each other.
Derek and I were married on Sept 26, 1998. One of the best days of my life. Over the next 13 years we owned,operated and sold a business, had four boys, bought and sold two houses,then we both entered into the ministry full time.
In August 2010 we moved our family to Calgary. My husband started a business, but within one year we had to close it down. During 2011 we lost all our life savings. 2011 was probably one of the most difficult years of my life. Our world was rocked. Our faith was shaken, our marriage, our life. But God's word says that we are overcomers! Derek was able to get a new job in the beginning of 2012. Derek and I are not only still standing, but we are stronger than ever. After going through what we went through, makes you evaluate what is important in life. Simply, money can be replaced, however loved ones cannot.So I am thankful and grateful for what I do have; an amazing loving husband, four strong healthy boys. You can come out of the fire burnt or refined. I'm choosing to be refined. I can say through all this, a lot of impurities have come out of me. A lot of things had risen to the surface that were quite ugly.
Forgiveness is a choice. It's really that simple. Coming to that realization is not. I have chosen to forgive as to not keep the poison inside of me. "What Satan has meant for evil, God will turn to good for those who love Him". I am a free woman! I am free from unforgivenvess,bitterness,resentment, and depression. I wasn't always free, it took me awhile. I delved into His Word. When I did that I learned, and discovered who God was, therefore discovering who I was. I was so busy blaming everyone else for my problems, and issues, but God would always bring it back to me. I heard God say to me one day "You are not little miss perfect yourself." The depression that I was heavily under, God revealed to me was the fruit of my own judgement. "Mercy triumphs over judgement". I came to forgivness through my own repentance. It was at that moment that God gave me beauty for ashes.
I love sharing my story as it is one of hope, healing, and freedom! God is no judger of person. God turned my mess into my message. He can do the very same thing for you!!!
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