What's in a name? I personally believe that there is a lot in the meaning of a name. When we picked out the names of our children we put into great consideration the meaning of each name. We prayed, and spoke this meaning into their lives.
My name is Tammy Irene. My middle name was my maternal grandmothers. The meaning of my name is "Perfect Peace". If you personally know me, I mean really know me, right now you'd be laughing your face off. Many words can describe my personality, but PERFECT PEACE wouldn't be mentioned in that description, PERFECT STORM maybe, but definitely not perfect peace.
I have mentioned in my previous blogs about our family's journey in the last three years. It has been a journey of great struggle, pain, loss, trauma, and devastation. The result of this season has brought us to our knees in surrender, and humility which has led us to become refined.
I can testify first hand how difficult it is to have peace while being in a storm of uncertainty, continually being hit with debris of disappointment, and set backs. What I have learned is when you have the perspective view of thankfulness, and being grateful for all the blessings that God has given, the raging storm doesn't seem so hopeless,scary, or intimidating.
Lately I am feeling God is constantly reminding me the full meaning of my name. He is challenging me to WALK in it. I don't think it was an accident or coincidence that I was named PERFECT PEACE. Not only did I escape becoming aborted, but I was named perfect peace. It has taken me almost 40 years here on earth to fully absorb, and comprehend what it means to live in perfect peace.
I need to constantly, and daily choose to WALK in perfect peace, versus BEING a perfect storm. The more I do this, actually the easier it is to do it. In order for me to attain this balance of peace, I've had to walk through the storm, and fire, and honestly for survival sake I learned how to come into peace. I learned more of the Word, so I learned more of who God is, which helped me know who I was. The more I know who I am, the healthier view I have of myself, which ultimately enables me to give and pour out more to others.
The destiny and call in our lives is bigger than ourselves. More than not, WE are the ones that prevent our destiny, dreams, or calling on becoming a reality. Insecurities, negativity,unforgivness,bitterness,fear,small thinking only have power when you succumb to them. Friend, please know that God will never waste your pain. (Name of my book) I encourage you to start viewing your situation through the glasses of thankfulness, and gratefulness, and watch the smoke settle from the fire and storm, and what you will see is your future full of vibrant color of promises and hope.
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