As I'm writing this, I look outside at the much needed, beautiful rain fall onto the very parched earth. I can literally see nature gratefully drink it in . My view of the grey sky actually looks beautiful, and calming, not it's usual dreariness or bleakness.
I think the rain has inspired me to write this blog, because I have felt very much like the dry, parched earth. It's almost like I see the earth, and trees open up, as they gladly receive each and every refreshing water drop that Heaven is pouring down.
I can't remember the last time I have enjoyed a summer like I have these past two months. For me, I spent this summer relaxing, reflecting, working hard, preparing... and healing. I was able to refocus on the vision, and dreams that I believe God has lovingly dropped into my heart and DNA. I started to dare to believe in myself again. I feel the burning fire start to ignite again inside my veins.
I'm amused as I watch the rain fall, because I can't believe how fitting it is to watch the Heaven's open up and nurture the soil with much needed water. I sit here intrigued because this is the perception of my life right now. I, like the parched, thirsty earth, am drinking in the blessings that God is so lovingly allowing to fall like rain drops into my life.
There are seasons in life. It's actually quite simple. It has always been God's design- Seasons. Just like the earth that He created need seasons, so do his children. I spent the last few years in a season of "sanctuary", "pregnant", and "holding". These are words that I feel metaphorically and fittingly describe the season that I have been walking through in the last few years.
However these last two months, I am experiencing doors being opened, that only God Himself can open. Doors of opportunity, and extreme blessings. I am a witness to the Bible verse. "He will give you far more than you have ever expected".
I'm writing this blog to inspire, and give hope to someone that may be reading this now. DON'T GIVE UP. I challenge you to view the "rain" in your life, not as depressing, dark, or hopeless. But to open your eyes and see the "rainy season" as nourishment, and an opportunity to grow and get healthy. Rain is meant to be life giving. People's view on life comes from the angle in which they look. My "raining" opportunities didn't come pouring down because I sat in a crossed-legged position, and simply "wished" them down from Heaven. I spent this past summer working hard at studying, taking exams, getting in shape, polishing my writing and speaking skills. Dreaming, destination, and purpose are attainable not by being stationary, stagnant, or looking backwards. The ambitions people have in life are all in the power of their own hands, despite what life may hurl at them. I believe in an all sovereign God that SPOKE the Heavens and earth into existence. The greatest gift He gave to man kind is freedom of choice. We can CHOOSE to remain in the ditch, or get out.
Falling down, getting up, crashing, broken, humility, refined, strengthen, rebuilding, paradigm shifting, re-learning, brain re-wiring, restoration, growing, maturing, expanding. These words I use as a brush to paint a picture of my journey in this last time period of my life. This last season has created the fuel; the power supply for me to morph into the woman that God had already deposited into my DNA, and my blood, right in my mothers womb.
Embrace your season, whatever it may be for you, with a readiness, open mind, and teachable heart. Absorb the rain drops with thanksgiving, and gratefulness. Allow the "rain" to nourish your soul, and soak in all what this season has for you.
Well said Tammy, you have a beautiful way with words!
Beautifully written my friend.
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